Same day order processing (Monday to Friday) (until 18:00 GMT)

Delivery time: 14 to 21 days

Sellers must use the shipping method chosen by the buyer during the Shopp All Store checkout process.

Shopp All Store users must receive the shipping service specified in the description and preferred by the buyer to ensure a great shopping experience.
What rules apply?

Seller must ship items using buyer's chosen shipping method within the processing time specified in the description. They should:

• Examine the price and delivery time before presenting a shipping service.
Ship things within the handling time indicated in the listing and be explicit about when they will be delivered.

• Include only shipping costs that were actually paid to the shipping service and that were relevant to the shipping and handling price of the items delivered.

• Handling costs, such as the price of packaging supplies and insurance.

• The actual cost of delivery confirmation or other services, such as a certificate of shipment, delivery pickup, delivery confirmation, certified mail, restricted delivery, return receipt, signature confirmation, special handling or comparable services.

• Adhere to category restrictions to get the highest possible shipping rates.

• Upload accurate tracking information. The shipping address specified in the listing must match the tracking number uploaded. Declare the item "shipped" once delivered

Buyers cannot:

• Use a slower shipping method than the buyer prefers.

• When offering free delivery, consider additional packaging and handling charges.

• Postpone shipments after learning that a payment has been initiated.

Shopp All Store may take a number of remedies, such as administratively terminating or canceling listings, hiding or downgrading all listings from search results, downgrading seller ratings, purchase or sale limitations, and account suspension, depending on the nature of the infringement. No refunds or credits will be applied to your account for any fees paid or incurred in connection with listings or accounts when we take any action.